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Cooperation between HAW Hamburg and ESP Dakar


Great opportunities with sun and wind

Its geographical location makes Senegal rich in sun and wind. At 1.6 to 1.8 MWh/kWp, the specific output of photovoltaic systems in Senegal is almost 50 percent higher than in the best German locations. Added to this is the trade wind known as the Harmattan.

If the country is to replace fossil fuels and one day supply itself, and possibly also us Europeans, with climate-friendly energy from the sun and wind, then it will need specialists with the knowledge and skills required in this area.


CO2FREE – Cooperation To Focus on Renewable Energy Education

As part of the COoperation To Focus on Renewable Energy Education (CO2FREE) project, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) and the École Supérieur Polytechnique (ESP) in Dakar are developing a future-oriented Bachelor’s degree course in “Renewable Energies”. The project is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anna K. Usbeck (HAW Hamburg) and Prof. Lamine Thiaw (ESP).


Properly qualified
for a good start

The project is intended to help close the gap between theoretical higher education and the requirements of the energy industry in Senegal so that engineers with comprehensive system knowledge are available to the local labor market. To this end, ESP Dakar wants to adapt its teaching content to the needs of the industry and benefit from the practical experience of HAW Hamburg.

The aim is to align training more closely with the needs of the labor market. It is intended to give students the opportunity to acquire sound scientific and technical knowledge in the field of renewable energies in order to facilitate their entry into professional life.

Dieses Projekt wird gefördert vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).