Sun and wind are the pillars of a climate-neutral energy supply. Senegal has plenty of both. The country is working on decarbonizing its energy supply. By 2030, 40 percent of its electricity is to come from renewable sources. The country could become an energy supplier for Europe. This would create jobs for many people in Senegal and bring valuable foreign currency into the country.
Expertise for the expansion of renewable energies in Senegal
ENERGY FUTURE WEST AFRICA”We only have this one world
and in it a common future.

Knowledge for green energy
The main objective of the project Cooperation to Focus on Renewable Energy Education (CO2FREE) is to promote the professionalization of the renewable energy sector in Senegal. The project is a cooperation between the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) and the École Supérieur Polytechnique (ESP) in Dakar and the two industrial partners SMA Solar Technology, Kassel and SATEC – Société Africaine de Téchnologies, Dakar.

Sun - the energy of the future.
Between the Atlantic, Sahel and rainforest
At 196,712 km², the Republic of Senegal is about half the size of Germany. Over 70 percent of the 16.3 million inhabitants live from agriculture and fishing. The per capita income is USD 1,474. The capital Dakar is the westernmost city in Africa. Senegal is considered one of the most politically stable states in West Africa. Although political power is heavily concentrated in the hands of the president, the separation of powers is largely respected. Elections are internationally recognized as free and fair. As a former French colony, the country maintains strong relations with France. As in most African countries, a variety of languages are spoken. However, French is the official language. 95 percent of Senegalese people profess Islam.
Dieses Projekt wird gefördert vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).